
A dramatization of the moment we told Molly and Ben.  Elliott's first reaction not worth repeating.

A reenactment of the moment we told Molly and Ben. Elliott’s first reaction was not worth repeating.

First post!  One of our (ok mine mostly) biggest worries was the reaction our kids would have to our crazy plan.  Selling belongings, moving schools and leaving friends are things that I didn’t imagine a 10 year old as social as Elliott would understand too well.  After months and months talking in code to each other, Erica and I finally let the kids in on the plan on 4/21.  My carefully scripted notes went out the window as Erica just let fly.  The contrast in styles was well documented during this parenting moment.  We started by telling them that we had some very exciting plans to share. We were going to go on a family adventure and live in Argentina for a year! Ben guessed it before she could finish and was super excited. Molly just jumped up and down. It took Elliott a few seconds to absorb “one year.” After a few minutes of rebellion and refusals to go, he asked if he’d be able to play soccer on the field we’d showed him a photo of from our scouting trip the week prior. A hasty confirmation on our part sealed the deal. No more questions from the clan. For now. Whew. Resiliency of children confirmed.  Away we go.  Ben does now ask for a daily countdown to departure though.